Spring is popping up all over New England, even here on Cape Cod. Now is a great time to book your 2022 fishing trip(s). Your next fishing charter should be something to look forward to, perhaps even the highlight of your Cape Cod vacation.

How do you know that Salty Fly cape cod Fishing Charters is your next fishing charter?
Are you a fly fisherman? Do you prefer light tackle spinning gear? Inshore shallow water and hands on fishing? If so, we could be your next fishing charter.
Or, do you prefer setting in for a long day of trolling in ocean waters? Enjoying a beer and a cigar while the first mate sets your lines? If so, perhaps booking a trip with Cape Cod Family Charters , or with another charter business that offers this style of fishing would make your trip perfect.
Boat US publishes an informative magazine about boats and boating. The latest issue features an article Avoid These Pitfalls On Your Next Fishing Charter. The number one important tool for choosing your next charter trip is the telephone. Call the captain and learn exactly what type of experience they offer and whether their trip meets your needs.
As a charter captain, I take calls from many potential clients. Some are the perfect fit, others not so much. For example, my 20′ boat is suitable for a maximum of three guests. And, even three is a lot of people on the boat if everybody hopes to cast a fly rod. I often have to turn away clients as I am unable to meet their needs.
Call 508-362-5482 for more information on salty fly
Booking a fishing charter for your next vacation isn’t rocket science, however, it’s worth the extra effort to make a few phone calls to ensure that your fishing trip is the best it can be.
Look forward to my next report “Demystifly Fishing: Making Fly Fishing Simpler”.